HRH Princess Alia Al Hussein

Founder, Princess Alia Foundation

Princess Alia Al Hussein is the daughter of His Majesty, the late King Hussein and Queen Dina of Jordan.   She is a devoted animal-lover and ambassador of the Arabian horse.  She is the President of the Royal Jordanian Equestrian Federation, Honorary President of the Jordan Philatelic Society, the Circassian Ladies Welfare Society, the Society for the Development & Welfare of the Rural Women and Governor of the British Arab Horse Society.  Princess Alia is the founder of the Princess Alia Foundation, which is devoted to promoting balance, harmony and respect for all of creation with special emphasis on the protection of animals and the environment.

Throughout the years, Princess Alia has devoted herself to many local, national and international humanitarian and cultural causes. Intercultural Journeys is honored to have Princess Alia as a member of its Board of Directors.